Reset That Trap!
This picture shows a dead eastern mole next to one of his tunnels. If you walk your yard's perimeter frequently, you'll likely discover...

Moles Don't Fly Away for Winter
I wish moles flew south for the winter, but they don't, and this fall they seem to be coming back strong. But it's no big deal, and...

Your Neighbor's Moles
You can hire a professional mole trapper to kill the moles in your yard, but who's going to trap the moles in your neighbor's yard? It's...

More Hairy Tailed Moles!
The moles that attack my yard are almost always easterns, but over the past few days, I've been catching several hairy tails. They're a...

Caught a Hairy-Tailed Mole
About 10 days ago, I noticed new mole activity, so I set a few traps and figured I'd catch a few moles in a couple of days. I guess I...

August Invasion
For about the past month, I haven't had ANY mole activity in my yard. But I knew they'd be back, and sure enough, as we moved into...

Do I have moles in MY yard?
Yes, I do, and I suspect I always will, but you'd be hard pressed to find any signs of them. I started MoleTrapBootCamp.com because moles...

The Enemy
Just so that we're all clear, this is the enemy. It's an eastern mole (Scalopus aquaticus), and it's the most common mole in our area....

Practice Makes Perfect
If you want to be a successful mole trapper, you'll need some basic tools and some basic training. Mole Trap Boot Camp will cover both...