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Wintertime Mole Trapping

I always tell people that wintertime is NOT a good time to trap moles, and that's true. But when there's a stretch of warm winter weather, I usually can't help myself. Over the past week, we've had some really nice weather--upper 60s! I noticed some mole activity, so I set about 10 traps, and within a day, I killed this fat mole.

It's tough to trap in the winter, primarily because the ground is frozen. That's why Mole Trap Boot Camp goes on hiatus during the winter months. But once you learn how to trap, you can trap moles any time you want to. Because, as I've said before, moles don't fly south for the winter.

Mole Trap Boot Camp will begin training new soldiers once the weather breaks. If you're interested in learning how to rid your yard of these little pests, sign up now!

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