Twenty Kills and Counting!

It's only mid-June and I've already killed 20 moles as they've tried to enter my yard! That's 20 moles, in my yard alone, and it's only mid-June. So, what's my point? My point is that I've saved lots of money, and my yard looks great!
Remember, mole trappers charge somewhere in the neighborhood of $50 per mole, and they'd be lying if they told you no moles would invade your yard NEXT year (or the week immediately after they leave). You have no control over your neighbor's yard, so you have no control over which pests will try to cross the property line.
But with some training, you can control your perimeter. I kill virtually all moles as they enter my yard, and you can, too. They might get a few feet into my yard, and they might leave a tunnel or a mound in the process, but I notice that type of activity right away, I set traps immediately, and I KILL MOLES QUICKLY!
You can, too, and Mole Trap Boot Camp can provide you with the necessary equipment and skills. Call me so you can take control of your yard.