Summertime Mole Activity

After trapping 24 moles in the spring, summer has been slow, which is good news! Until a few days ago, my yard showed no sign of summertime mole activity. But during a routine inspection of the perimeter, I found a few active tunnels, so I set 8 traps and killed this eastern mole last night. Of course, I reset the trap in the same location, and I suspect I'll kill a couple more moles within the next few days.
I don't like trapping moles in the heat of summer for two main reasons. The first is that the ground is extremely dry and hard, and that makes it difficult to work with. The second reason is that the moles tend to run deeper in the summer, and that makes it more difficult to find them. That's why I focus my mole trapping efforts on the spring and fall months. If you're vigilant during the spring and fall, you'll see very little activity during the summer, which is great, because your lawn will look great and you'll be able to focus on enjoying the sunshine.