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got moles?
LLearn to kill them!
Are moles destroying your yard in the Zanesville-Muskingum County and Coshocton County area? If so, you have a problem that won’t go away anytime soon. Yes, you can hire a professional mole trapper, and that will reduce your mole population, but not for long. In no time, new moles will move in, and once again, your yard will look like a war zone.
You can call another professional mole trapper, but that will cost you even more money. And what will you do the next time new moles move in? Hire a professional mole trapper, yet again?
The only cost-effective way to eradicate moles is to trap and kill them yourself. All you need is some basic equipment and some basic training.
During Mole Trap Boot Camp, I will visit your battle site (your yard), provide you with the necessary weapons (mole traps and tools), and teach you how to locate active tunnels, deploy traps, and kill moles.
Mole Trap Boot Camp costs $175. This fee includes one personalized house call and $100 worth of trapping equipment. During the house call, I will inspect your yard for mole activity. Then, during a personalized training session, you and I will deploy 8 professional mole traps, which are yours to keep, along with various other tools necessary for successful trapping.
Upon graduation from Mole Trap Boot Camp, you will have 8 traps deployed and the skills necessary to continue trapping whenever and wherever moles invade.
Enlist now! Call or text Frank at 740-502-3810 or email
Mole Trap Boot Camp is currently conducting training in Muskingum and Coshocton Counties only.
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