Practice Makes Perfect
If you want to be a successful mole trapper, you'll need some basic tools and some basic training. Mole Trap Boot Camp will cover both of those requirements. But after you've graduated from Boot Camp, you'll need to practice. When I first started, I didn't catch moles nearly as quickly as I do today. That's because over time, I have developed an ability to figure out where the moles are, and I've developed my own special techniques for setting traps. I've also come to terms with the fact that I won't be able to trap every mole, that moles will forever be a thorn in my side, but that I can win the war simply by keeping moles under control. It took me quite a bit of time to get to that stage, so be patient with yourself and your training. Nothing beats practice.
After graduating from Mole Trap Boot Camp, you'll find yourself a newly minted Private, stationed on the front line in your local war on moles. If you practice what you've learned through your training, you'll quickly rise through the ranks and discover that you can successfully accomplish even the most dangerous mole missions. Are you up to the challenge? If so, ENLIST NOW in Mole Trap Boot Camp by calling 740-502-3810 or by emailing
Thank you to my friend Rick for using his Photoshop skills to make me look like a real soldier. I have never served in the armed forces, and I'd never misrepresent myself, but this picture was too good not to share. I'm always happy to honor US veterans, and I offer discounts to veterans, so please let me know if you're a veteran with a mole problem.